Horizon Wings values dedicated people willing to volunteer their time helping out at the center. High school and college students looking for credits or experience in the wildlife field are always welcome.
We do our best to make volunteering at Horizon Wings a fun and educational experience. We especially need volunteer help in the Spring, Summer and Fall.
Please fill out the following form Volunteer Form and contact Horizon Wings at horizonwingsraptorrehab@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.
Here is typically what is on the menu for our raptors.
Food must be carefully weighed out for all our raptors
to make sure they get enough, but not too much.
We also provide our birds with treats to keep them stimulated.
Everything is all prepared and ready to deliver.
Taking care of an injured Peregrine Falcon
Help with the care of these baby Red-Shouldered Hawks.
Chrysos getting a weight check.
Oscar getting a weight check.
Volunteers working on a new flight avairy for rehabilating raptors.
Doing some painting for our avairies.
Volunteers adding "furniture" to a new aviary.
Working on constructing slat walls for an aviary.
Doing a bit of maintenance on the red-tail aviary.
Mary-Beth and Chrysos at a program
Deb and Tyton at a program
Volunteers at the anual Catherine Violet Hubbard Fund Raiser
Lori and Asha at a program
Patrica with Silo at a program.
Mary-Beth with Chrysos at an Eagle Scout ceremony.
Jeanne with Atka at a double Eagle Scout ceremony.
Our Feeding Fund Raiser at Stafford Cidery
Setup tables for our events like Owl Prowl
Volunteers at our Earth Day Event
Help with mailing flyers, postcards, etc.,
This is an example of one of our several boy scout projects, a new walkway to the aviaries.
Eagle Scout Will...and his troop built an aviary for Atka our bald eagle
Stone and Lanctot families got together to paint our fences. This served as community service hours for both their scout troop and their schools.
This is Nicole when she was an intern speaking about our Barred Owl at a program.